Fifteenth Revised Rate No. 1
Canceling Fourteenth Revised Rate No. 1
Residential Service
Applicable to individually metered residential type consumers who require 50 KVA or less of transformer capacity, subject to established rules and regulations. The capacity of individual motors served under this schedule shall not exceed 10 HP. The type of service will be single phase, 60 hertz, at available secondary voltages, for all services required on the premises for residential use.
All individually metered single phase consumers requiring less than 50 KVA of transformer capacity within the counties of Colfax, Harding, Mora, San Miguel and Union.
Monthly Rate:
Customer Charge — $39.00 per month
Energy Charge — $0.135 per kWh — all kWh usage
Time-of-Use Option
At the consumers request the cooperative will extend time-of-use service at the following rates:
Customer Charge — $39.00 per month
Energy Charge (between 1 p.m. and 9 p. m. MST) — $0.17 per kWh
Energy Charge (between 9 p.m. and 1 p. m. MST) — $0.075 per kWh
Monthly Minimum:
The minimum monthly charge equals the customer charge as per above ($39.00). In no case shall the minimum be less than the monthly charge established in accordance with the utility's line extension policy.
Tri-State Formulary Rate Adjustments:
The rate will be adjusted automatically for all annual or true-up charges assessed by Tri-State to Springer for their formulary rate adjustments and true-up mechanism as approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Tax Adjustment:
Billings under this schedule may be increased by an amount equal to the sum of the taxes payable under the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act and of all other taxes, fees, or charges (exclusive of ad valorem, state, and federal income taxes) payable by the utility and levied or assessed by any governmental authority on the public utility service rendered, or on the right or privilege of rendering the service, or any other object or event incidental to the rendition of the service, including, but not limited to, Franchise Fees and the Inspection and Supervision Fee levied by the Public Regulation Commission.
Terms and Conditions:
The utility's rules and regulations, filed with the appropriate regulatory body, shall apply.
The consumer shall conform to all city, state, and national electric codes.
The consumer shall not re-sell or share electric service with others.
Terms of Payment:
The above rates are net. All bills are due twenty (20) days from date of bill. Bills not paid by twenty (20) days from the date of billing are deemed delinquent and subject to disconnection or collection in accordance with the rules and regulations as filed with the NMPRC.
Fifteenth Revised Rate No. 2
Canceling Fourteenth Revised Rate No. 2
Small Commercial
Applicable to single phase and three phase commercial type consumers requiring 50 KVA or less of transformer capacity. The type of service will be single phase or three phase, 60 hertz, at available secondary voltages. Motors having a rated capacity of ten (10) HP or larger must be three phase.
All single phase and three phase consumers requiring 50 KVA or less of transformer capacity within the counties of Colfax, Harding, Mora, San Miguel and Union.
Monthly Rate:
Customer Charge — $53.00 per month
Energy Charge — $0.135 per kWh — all kWh usage
Time-of-Use Option
At the consumers request the Cooperative will extend time-of-use service at the following rates:
Customer Charge — $53.00 per month
Energy Charge (between 1 p.m. and 9 p. m. MST) — $0.17 per kWh (on peak)
Energy Charge (between 9 p.m. and 1 p. m. MST) — $0.075 per kWh (off peak)
Monthly Minimum:
The minimum monthly charge equals the customer charge as per above ($53.00). In no case shall the minimum be less than the monthly charge established in accordance with the utility's line extension policy.
Tri-State Formulary Rate Adjustments:
The rate will be adjusted automatically for all annual or true-up charges assessed by Tri-State to Springer for their formulary rate adjustments and true-up mechanism as approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Tax Adjustment:
Billings under this schedule may be increased by an amount equal to the sum of the taxes payable under the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act and of all other taxes, fees, or charges (exclusive of ad valorem, state, and federal income taxes) payable by the utility and levied or assessed by any governmental authority on the public utility service rendered, or on the right or privilege of rendering the service, or any other object or event incidental to the rendition of the service.
Terms and Conditions:
The utility's rules and regulations, filed with the appropriate regulatory body, shall apply.
The consumer shall conform to all city, state and national electric codes.
The consumer shall not re-sell or share electric service with others.
Terms of Payment:
The above rates are net. All bills are due twenty (20) days from date of bill. Bills not paid by twenty (20) days from the date of billing are deemed delinquent and subject to disconnection or collection in accordance with the rules and regulations as filed with the NMPRC, and shall be subject to a charge of ten percent (10%) of the balance of the account outstanding.
Fifteenth Revised Rate No. 3
Canceling Fourteenth Revised Rate No. 3
Large Commercial
Applicable to consumers requiring more than 50 KVA of transformer capacity. The type of service will be three phase, 60 hertz, at the utility's standard primary and secondary voltages.
For all service located on or near the utility's three phase lines, within the counties of Colfax, Harding, Mora, San Miguel and Union.
Monthly Rate:
Customer Charge — $90.00 per month
Demand Charge — $17.00 per kW
Energy Charge — $ 0.0675 per kWh — all kWh usage
Monthly Minimum:
The minimum charge shall be the highest one of the following charges as determined for each individual consumer:
The customer charge specified above ($90.00)
The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service
A charge of $1.00 per KVA of installed capacity
Determination of Billing Demand:
Generation Billing Demand: The generation billing demand shall be the consumer's kW demand measured at the time of the Cooperative's wholesale provider's highest monthly peak, during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for power factor, as provided hereafter. In the event that the utility's wholesale power contract is amended to provide for a ratcheted demand charge to the utility, then the same ratchet provision shall apply to this schedule.
Transmission Billing Demand: The transmission billing demand shall be the maximum kW demand established by the consumer for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for power factor, as provided hereafter. In the event that the utility's wholesale power contract is amended to provide for a ratcheted demand charge to the utility, then the same ratchet provision shall apply to this schedule.
Power Factor Adjustment:
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as practicable. Demand charges shall be adjusted to correct for power factors lower than ninety percent (90%) by increasing the measured demand one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%) by which the power factor is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging.
Terms and Conditions:
Delivery Point. If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer. If service is provided at the utility's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of the utility's primary line to the consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines and other electric equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.
Primary Service. If service is furnished at primary, transmission, or distribution voltage to the consumer-owned substation, the utility shall have the option of metering at secondary voltage and adding two percent (2%) for estimated transformer losses to the kWh and kW demand.
Metering Equipment. Metering equipment shall be owned and maintained by the utility and installed by the utility in space provided in the consumer's substation.
Terms of Payment:
The above rates are net. All bills are due by twenty (20) days from date of bill. Bills not paid by twenty days of the date of billing are deemed delinquent and subject to disconnection or collection in accordance with the rules and regulations as filed with the NMPRC, and shall be subject to a charge of ten percent (10%) of the balance of the account outstanding.
Tax Adjustment:
Billings under this schedule may be increased by an amount equal to the sum of the taxes payable under the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act and of all other taxes, fees, or charges (exclusive of ad valorem, state, and federal income taxes) payable by the utility and levied or assessed by any governmental authority on the public utility service rendered, or on the right or privilege of rendering the service, or any other object or event incidental to the rendition of the service, including, but not limited to, Franchise Fees and the Inspection and Supervision Fee levied by the Public Regulation Commission.
Energy Rate Schedule - 2025
Energy Purchase Rate
Month cents/kWh
January 2.160
February 2.160
March 2.160
April 2.160
May 2.160
June 2.160
July 2.160
August 2.160
September 2.160
October 2.160
November 2.160
December 2.160
Now there is a choice in Northeastern New Mexico. You can choose pollution-free, renewable wind generated electricity. Wind power is available through Springer Electric Cooperative in 100 kilowatt "blocks" right now.
Today over 85% of New Mexico's electricity is generated by burning coal. Fossil fuel generated electricity is a contributor to air and water pollution. Now we have the opportunity to buy clean, renewable wind power. Buying wind power is a great way to demonstrate support for clean, renewable energy sources.
It's easy to do
You can purchase wind power for your home or business by paying slightly more on your monthly electric bill. Currently, wind generated electricity costs more than traditional fossil fuel generated electricity. But, by paying a bit more and buying wind power now, you help build the demand for clean, renewable energy. The concept of paying more for clean power is called "green pricing." Green pricing programs are available around the country; they provide an opportunity to accelerate this important transition to clean and renewable energy sources. As more people choose wind power, more wind farms will be built and the costs will come down.
Signing Up Is Simple
The cost of each 100 kilowatt-hour block is $1.25 per month, which is billed in addition to your regular energy charge on your monthly statement. Customers must make a one-year commitment. To sign up, download the form and send it back to us. For more information, please contact us.
Buying Wind Power Makes a Difference
Wind power helps build a sustainable energy future and a healthier environment. Wind power is pollution-free, produces no smog or acid rain and does not contribute to global warming.
Buying one 100 kwh block of wind power each month for a year has the same environmental benefit as not driving a car for 2,400 miles or planting one-half acre of trees. Think about it: For the price of a video rental, you can make a significant reduction in the environmental impact of your electricity use. Buying wind power is one of the best things you can do to help the environment.
Need More Reasons? Learn more about wind power