Facts About Wind Power
Wind energy is a renewable resource, so no matter how much is used today, there will still be the same supply for the future.
Wind energy is a domestic, reliable resource that provides more jobs per dollar invested than any other energy technology.
By using renewable energy, you work immediately to improve the environment for you, your children and future generations.
Today's wind turbines are technologically advanced and can convert direct wind energy into electricity.
Wind power is an especially good choice when buying green power. It is one of the cheapest and cleanest renewable energy sources available. There is no extraction and consumption of fuel, and no air pollution.
Ten Great Reasons to Buy Pollution Free Wind Power
Help clean our region's air
Buying wind power reduces smog, acid rain and air pollution. -
Make a difference
Be part of the effort to speed the transition to clean, renewable sources. -
Conservation for future generations
Our nations's oil, natural gas & coal won't last forever. Our wind & solar resources need to be developed now. -
Money talks
The more customers that sign up, the more wind power will be installed. -
"Cheaper" energy may actually cost more
Wind is a bit more expensive for now, but consider the total cost of energy from other sources: smog, acid, rain, oil spills, nuclear waste storage, lost salmon species. -
Reduce your own pollution
Buying wind power is a cheap, easy way to dramatically reduce the environmental impacts of energy use. -
Wind power has an expansive future
Wind energy has been the fastest growing source of electric generation in the world in the 1990's and into 2001 and 2002. -
It is inexpensive
$1.25 per month is a small price to pay to save 1,200 pounds of coal and avoid 2,400 pounds of air pollution a year. -
It is YOUR choice
A powerful choice, pollution-free electricity from the wind! -
It is the RIGHT thing to do
Learn more about how to sign up for wind power with Springer Electric Cooperative.